Meet us at the ICAO AAM Symposium in Montreal Sep 10 - 13. Contact us to schedule a meeting or a demo.
Meet us at the ICAO AAM Symposium in Montreal Sep 10 - 13. Contact us to schedule a meeting or a demo.

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Attention Drone-in-a-Box Operators – You Might Have Only ½ of the Solution

Organizations are deploying Drone-in-a-Box (DiB) technology for inspections and infrastructure monitoring, but what they soon realize is they lack the total airspace, fleet, and mission management solution that allows them to fly safely and not break the law.

Drone-in-a-Box (DiB) systems can deploy drones autonomously from a box that also functions as a landing pad and charging base. After carrying out a pre-programmed list of instructions,  it returns to its “base” to charge and/or upload data.

Stand-alone DiB systems are composed of three main components: a ground station that charges and shelters the drone, the drone itself, and a computer management system that allows the operator to interact with the system. The ground station also provides battery charging and conducts health checks. 

How does a DiB get integrated into fleet operations and comply with the rules requiring a human pilot to be located at the DiB site to provide see-and-avoid capability to avoid a mid-air collision with another aircraft?

Many organizations have purchased DiB systems only to realize they have half of the solution – essentially the DiB — but are missing the capability to mitigate risk to an acceptable level to enable operations without a human pilot on location. To remedy this significant challenge, ANRA has developed a solution called Mission Manager X that helps support drone operations, coordinate multiple DiBs, while managing airspace, providing the essential capabilities that permit enterprises to scale their DiB solutions compliantly and economically.  

ANRA integrates their proven UAS Traffic Management (UTM) services with Fleet Management technology into your DiB for a total solution called Mission Manager X.

ANRA Technologies Mission Manager X platform enables end-to-end drone mission management, covering every aspect of drone operations from pre-flight planning to post-flight analytics. Their cutting-edge solution incorporates advanced technologies to provide comprehensive and scalable capabilities that grow with your enterprise drone program while adapting to evolving drone rules. ANRA can take your DiB solutions to the next level, developing a holistic operational view and end-to-end workflow that helps address regulatory concerns for Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight (BVLOS) operations. 

With ANRA’s drone mission management system, enterprises such as energy and utility companies can streamline their operations, optimize workflows, and reduce manual efforts. ANRA’s drone fleet management system minimizes risks by leveraging drones for dangerous tasks such as power line inspections, thermal imaging, and disaster response missions. By eliminating the need for workers to physically access high-voltage areas or inaccessible locations, ANRA’s technology significantly enhances safety and mitigates potential hazards.

Here’s why ANRA can help complete your DiB operations:

  • Seamless integration with existing enterprise systems and DiB solutions, enabling real-time monitoring and automation of various tasks. From infrastructure inspections to vegetation management, ANRA’s Mission Manager X empowers organizations to complete missions faster, gather accurate data, and make informed decisions promptly.
  • Integration into the broader air traffic management network. This integration enables automated operations, such as autonomous take-off, landing, and mission execution. ANRA’s Mission Manager X can communicate with the DiB, sending it waypoints and instructions for its missions.
  • Real-time tracking and monitoring of all drones operating within its purview. For a DiB, this means constant monitoring of its status, position, and telemetry data. If any issues arise during its operation or if it deviates from its planned flight path, Mission Manager X will alert operators for corrective actions.
  • Collision avoidance by employing geofencing and dynamic airspace restrictions. It can prevent drones from entering restricted areas or adjust their flight paths to avoid potential conflicts with other air traffic.
  • Aircraft track information to Detect and Avoid (DAA) systems and integration of surveillance services such as radar, ADS-B, FLARM and C-UAS sensors.
  • Since 2020, ANRA continues to be a FAA certified Low Altitude Authorization Notification Capability (LAANC) provider.
  • Display both Broadcast and Network Remote ID for drones, and increasingly more significant technology internationally as many regions are mandating this capability.     
  • Authorization process for drone flights, including those involving your DiB. It can validate the identity of the operator and check for any necessary permissions or restrictions before allowing the drone to operate.
  • Microservice architecture can quickly integrate with any DiB solution and adapt to aviation rules for deployment to any region in the world.
  • Assist with waivers, exemptions, or other FAA issued authorizations or certifications that are often related to BVLOS operations. Specifically, ANRA will provide safety mitigation for known hazards identified in FAA Order 8040.6 Appendix A that is being provided by a service provider.

Whether you’re interested in optimizing inspections, improving safety, or enhancing operational efficiency, ANRA is available to address your specific needs and how to help your organization’s DiB solution. Please contact ANRA to learn more about their comprehensive solutions.


Leida Mejia