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Consulting Rules and Regulations
ANRA Vertiport Automation

Developing our Roadmap to Vertiport Automation

ANRA Technologies has commenced its journey for developing vertiport automation services that are bundled into our solution we call “Vertiport Manager.” This solution is targeted to support physical infrastructure that host Urban Air Mobility (UAM) operations for Vertical Takeoff and Land (VTOL) aircraft.

These VTOL aircraft are envisioned to be electrically powered and will transport people and cargo from node to node, where each node represents a vertiport or airport. Highly functional and performing vertiports are critical to achieving the commercial success for the UAM industry.

To fully realize the market potential for UAM, higher levels of aircraft autonomy will be necessary and the systems that support that automation must keep pace. ANRA is developing its Vertiport Manager to keep pace with our other ongoing efforts that provide services for collaborative decision making, scheduling, airspace management, demand capacity balancing, and service synchronization. Vertiport Manager capability will provide a critical element in the overall digital architecture that orchestrates VTOL aircraft movement from before takeoff to landing. Recognizing the vertiport market is still immature, our solution is being designed to adapt to any physical structure and to evolve with technology and regulatory changes.

About ANRA Technologies. ANRA Technologies is the world’s only UAM airspace management provider that is currently providing services for two of the largest, most comprehensive UAM projects:  NASA’s Advanced Air Mobility National Campaign and the Single European Sky’s ATM Research (SESAR) Very Large Demo UAM project called AMU-LED. For both efforts ANRA is providing simulation and live flight support for multiple eVTOL aircraft for a variety of use cases. ANRA is experienced at managing flights using a cooperative data exchange platform that provides a common operating picture and shared situational awareness for subscribed fleet operators and schedules aircraft in-and-out of UAM airspace using volume reservations.


Brent Klavon