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ANRA Technologies Announces participation in SESAR fast track SAFIR – Ready

ANRA Technologies, a global frontrunner in uncrewed traffic management and operational solutions, proudly announces its funded engagement in the Horizon Europe project “SAFIR-Ready.” This initiative is a pivotal component of the SESAR Joint Undertaking’s Digital European Sky program, focusing on U-space and Urban Air Mobility.

SAFIR-Ready is pioneer groundbreaking U-space services tailored for U3 and U4 categories. Through the establishment of a central Command and Control Center (C2C) and the integration of automated ground systems, the project aims to facilitate automated time-critical drone services for a myriad of applications, spanning medical and beyond. Leveraging its state-of-the-art digital airspace management platforms, ANRA will support SAFIR-Ready as a U-space Service Provider (USSP), offering its Common Information Services (CIS), strategic de-confliction capabilities, and route optimization expertise and technology.

At its core, SAFIR-Ready comprises a consortium dedicated to developing a “dynamic capacity Management system” (U3), “detect and avoid algorithms” (U3), and “machine-to-machine communications and decision making” (U4). Building upon the success of SAFIR-Med, which validated medical applications, SAFIR-Ready seeks to extend its reach to non-medical critical missions, including inspection flights for rail networks, energy grids, and maritime environments.

As one of the select few organizations undergoing European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) USSP certification, ANRA will serve as the primary provider of U-space services for SAFIR-Ready in Belgium and Estonia. Additionally, ANRA will deliver CIS for SAFIR-Ready in Germany and the Netherlands, collaborating with future CIS providers in Belgium and Estonia, showcasing the versatility and interoperability of the ANRA system across multiple domains.

“We are thrilled to contribute to the SAFIR-Ready project, marking a significant stride in advancing U-space capabilities.,” said Amit Ganjoo, Founder and CEO of ANRA Technologies. “Together with our partners, we are poised to redefine the landscape of automated drone services, revolutionizing industries and enhancing societal well-being.”

Several demonstrations are planned across Europe that will leverage advanced UAVs and Innovative Air Mobility (IAM). SAFIR-Ready aims to transform urgent scenarios, reducing response times, costs, and CO2 emissions.

About ANRA Technologies. ANRA is a global leader in providing end-to-end drone operations and traffic management solutions for unmanned aerial systems. The company specializes in delivering robust and scalable software platforms that enable safe and efficient integration of uncrewed systems. For more information about ANRA Technologies, please visit www.anratechnologies.com


Leida Mejia

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