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Air, Sea, and Ground (UxS) Common Operating Integrated Picture for Emergency Response and Port Security

The Virginia Institute for Space Flight & Autonomy (VISA) and the Virginia Innovation Partnership Corporation (VIPC) have selected ANRA Technologies for their innovative proposal to the Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for Port Security and Emergency Response Unmanned Systems (UxS) Demonstration Project.

The team led by ANRA Technologies along with veteran owned business TRIAD Drones and non-profit AIRT, offer a UxS (Air, Sea, and Land) Port Mission Manager with an integrated and distributed common operating picture (COP) for this project. ANRA solution is powered by a single software platform called SAFEport, connecting UxS for Port Security and Emergency Response (PS&ER) missions. Using a mobile device, users connect to their UxS with SAFEport to enable manual or autonomous operations for their UxS, transmitting live video (RGB, IR) or serial data throughout the network. The locations for every participating UxS and crewed aircraft are integrated to develop a 4D (time/space) COP that is distributed to authorized users. For the project, UxS will be operated independently, collaboratively, and simultaneously using SAFEport software.

This first-of-its kind capability for the PS&ER community is built upon ANRA’s UAS Traffic Management (UTM) platform that was developed during years of research and vetting by NASA and FAA. Standards based with a modular architecture, SAFEport provides the foundation for broader port-wide applications, adapting to new technology and evolving regulations to ensure longevity, viability and scalability.

ANRA will provide SAFEport software and integration, TRIAD Drones will provide all operators and hardware, and AIRT will support advocacy and workshop activities.



Brent Klavon