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Drones for COVID-19 & Medical Deliveries

Following the Medicine from the Sky workshop on the sidelines of Wings India 2020 in March, the World Economic Forum in partnership with the State Government of Telangana hosted a Virtual Meting to address the following issues:

  1. How can drones be used to help address the CoVID-19 pandemic?
  2. What potential application areas should be prioritized and what is the efficacy of the technology?
  3. How can we build capacity to use drones to alter the status quo in disaster response?
  4. What criteria should be used to define for success in medical deliveries to gauge the effectiveness of drones in healthcare deliveries?

ANRA Technologies CEO Amit Ganjoo participated in this event and a speaker.

The discussion comprehensively covered various application areas of drones in pandemic situation, steps to build capacity and break silos for a combined effort in handling situations and defining parameters around safety, security, scalability and reliability that would result in actual impact on ground. With deeper insights and an iterative understanding of the technology, measured steps can be taken to catalyse policy making and strengthening of our healthcare supply chains.

For more details, please click here


Jim Begley