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News and Events
FAA UTM Pilot Project

ANRA Selected for both Phase 2 FAA UTM Pilot Projects

On April 10th 2020, FAA announced the selection Virginia Tech Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership in Blacksburg, Va., and Griffiss International Airport in Rome, N.Y., as test site participants for Phase 2 of the UTM Pilot Program (UPP).

In line with the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018, UPP Phase 2 will showcase capabilities and services that support high-density Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operations, including remote identification (Remote ID) services and public safety operations. Data collected from Phase 2 test activities will help inform a cross-agency Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) Implementation Plan.

“ANRA has played a key role in working on many of these standards and developmental activities leading up to this Phase 2 award and we are excited to have our ANRA™ UTM platform be a key part of both of the selected projects”, said Brent Klavon, Vice President of Operations at ANRA Technologies

UPP Phase 1 was completed in August 2019 in collaboration with NASA, FAA UAS test sites and their industry partners. Phase 1 tested capabilities such as the exchange of flight intent data among UAS operators. Participants also generated UAS Volume Reservations (UVRs), which are notifications to operators about inbound priority operations.

For more details about the program please visit


Sylvia Ladunga