A simulation capability for operating aircraft within a live or virtual environment to create a digital twin experience for UTM or UAM activities

ANRA SIM allows any air systems to be operated in complex environments at minimal risk within our UTM and UAM virtual environments. Use one of our existing drone or VTOL aircraft aero models, or we can incorporate your own aircraft for 6DoF aircraft simulation. Our system is the first known platform to conduct 10,000 simultaneous operations within the UTM ecosystem. Organizations may simulate flights in the same environment as live operations, using the same data sources such as weather and air traffic for a more enriched and immersive experience. SIM is used in conjunction with ANRA airspace management solutions.

Our UTM and UAM airspace management platforms don’t know if participating aircraft are real or simulated – giving ANRA SIM users all the benefits of live flight but within the controlled environment of a digital twin. Users can exercise use cases to assess behaviors for contingency management, conformance monitoring, vertiport operations and others, injecting digital data to test specific behaviors. ANRA SIM will help lower program risk by providing relevant information about operations within the UTM and UAM airspace for the airspace where you want to fly your missions.

Our ANRA family of technology allows you to add additional features for a more complete solution. Each of our software platforms are seamlessly integrated, lowering your costs and increasing your speed to market. Check out our other ANRA offerings to see how we might improve your operations, today.

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